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What are the different types of cleansers?

What are the different types of cleansers?

When choosing a cleanser, it’s important to consider your skin type and specific skin concerns. Here’s a breakdown of the different types of cleansers, along with their benefits and disadvantages:


1. Gel Cleansers


  • Deep Cleansing: Effective at removing excess oil and impurities from the skin.
  • Refreshing: Often contains cooling ingredients that provide a refreshing sensation.
  • Acne-Prone Skin: Suitable for oily and acne-prone skin types, we love gel cleansers with exfoliating ingredients like AHA/BHA.


  • Drying: Can be too harsh and strip away natural oils, potentially causing dryness and irritation, especially for sensitive or dry skin.




2. Foam Cleansers


  • Lightweight: Typically feel light and airy, and are easy to rinse off.
  • Effective Cleaning: Good at removing dirt and oil, making them suitable for combination to oily skin types.


  • Drying Effect: Often contains surfactants that can strip the skin of natural oils, potentially causing dryness or tightness. Not always ideal for those with dry or sensitive skin due to their drying nature.




3. Cream/Milk Cleansers


  • Moisturizing: Contains hydrating ingredients, making them suitable for dry or sensitive skin.
  • Gentle: Less likely to strip the skin of natural oils, providing a gentle and soothing cleanse.


  • Not as Deep Cleaning: May not be as effective at removing makeup or deep impurities compared to other cleansers.
  • Residue: Some formulations can leave a slight milky residue, which might feel uncomfortable for some people.




4. Oil Cleansers


  • Proper Cleansing: Excellent at breaking down and removing sunscreen, makeup and excess sebum.
  • Nutrient-Rich: Adds vitamins and antioxidants back into the skin for improved health, texture and vibrancy.
  • Balanced Oil Production: Balances oil production by removing excess sebum without over-drying, making them beneficial for both oily and dry skin types.


  • Residue: Can leave a residue as many oil cleansers on the market are just oils and lack a proper emulsification system.


  • Daily Restorative Cleansing Oil by Nusa Holistick - one of the few oil cleansers on the market featuring a plant-based emulsifier for effortless rinsing, leaving your skin silky, nourished, and residue-free.



5. Cleansing Balms


  • Makeup Removal: Efficient at breaking down heavy makeup and impurities.
  • Rich: Provides deep nourishment, often formulated with rich butters, waxes and oils.


  • Heavy: Can leave behind a residue on the skin, which may feel heavy, especially for those with oily or combination skin.
  • Greasy Feel: Some people might not like the oily texture during application, you must follow-up it up with a second cleanser (double cleansing) to thoroughly remove the cleansing balm.




6. Micellar Water


  • Versatile: Can be used as a makeup remover.
  • Convenient: Ideal for quick cleansing or travel.
  • Gentle: Suitable for sensitive skin and can be used around the eyes.


  • Not Deep Cleaning: May not effectively remove heavy makeup or deeply cleanse the skin.
  • Residue: Can leave a residue that might require follow-up with another cleanser or rinsing.




7. Powder Cleansers


  • Customizable: Allows control over the texture and intensity of the cleanse by adjusting the amount of water added.
  • Gentle Exfoliation: Provides mild exfoliation, suitable for sensitive skin.


  • Messy: Can be messy to use and mix with water.
  • Not as Convenient: Requires an extra step of mixing, which might not be as convenient for daily use.




8. Physical Scrubs


  • Immediate Results: Provides instant exfoliation, leaving the skin smoother and softer right after use.
  • Enhanced Skin Texture: Improves skin texture by removing dead skin cells, resulting in a more radiant complexion.


  • Potential for Skin Damage: Overuse or harsh particles can cause micro-tears and irritation.
  • Risk of Irritation: Can be too abrasive for sensitive or acne-prone skin, potentially worsening irritation or breakouts.



Choosing the right cleanser depends on your skin type, concerns, and personal preferences. It's often beneficial to consider using different types of cleansers for different times of the day or for varying skincare needs. We love double cleansing so depending on what the skin craves that day, we generally start with The Daily Restorative Cleansing Oil and then follow it up with a Gel, Foam, or Milk Cleanser. Whether you need deep cleansing, hydration, or gentle care, there’s a cleanser suited for you.

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